Navico Packaging

  • Role Lead designer
  • Date 2015-2016
  • Type Packaging

In 2015 I contributed as Lead Designer in a complete redesign of Navico’s Lowrance, Simrad and B&G brands packaging which brought a unified, modern approach to Navico’s extensive product offering of 200+ SKUs across three brands.

Various conceptual works

In the conceptual stages, I explored ideas ranging from luxury to economical, practical and basic and everything in between, the explorative process was a hugely insightful experience.

Accessories suite

The packaging guidelines are a detailed reference guide for all business facets including marketing, sourcing and product management. Thoroughly covering all details of the packaging system, these guidelines have ensured a successful and sustained level of professionalism for the entirety of Navico’s packaging.

Simrad solution, front

Lowrance solution, back

Custom product renderings

The new packaging at an Australian marine supplies store